Volunteer Application Read our Vision and Mission statements, Statement of Faith, Core Values , and Volunteer Criteria page. Volunteer Application rev. Jan 23 I share CDM's Vision, commit to supporting the Mission, and agree with the Statement of Faith and Core Values. * - Select -YesStill undecided. Need further clarification. First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Mailing Address * Phone * Phone Type * - Select - Mobile (text capability)Mobile (no text capability)HomeWork Best Time to Call * 8 AM - 12 PM 12 PM - 4 PM 4 PM - 8 PM What are your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) that align with our vision and mission? * What motivates you to join Changing Destinies in the fight against human trafficking? * How did you hear about Changing Destinies? * Website / browser search Social media Family and friends Event Festival booth OtherOther Do you have any previous experience working with survivors of trafficking, sexual assault, or abuse of any kind? * LEVELS 1-5 VOLUNTEER AND STAFF POSITIONS Review below and check off all positions that interest you. LEVEL 1 - SUPPORTER *No references required* Events Booths Raffles Working Parties Galas Special Projects LEVEL 2 - ABOLITION AMBASSADOR *No references required* Referrals Advertise Social Media Emails Sponsor Auctions Contribute financially LEVEL 3 - COMMITTEES *References required* If you would like to serve on a committee, please check your area(s) of interest (limit 2) Finance Committee Fundraising Committee Marketing Committee Intercessor Committee Property Committee Volunteer Committee Audit and Risk Management Programs and Services *Advisory Committee - what advisory role(s) can you fill? (only fill out if applicable) **Helping Hands - how would you like to contribute? (only fill out if applicable) LEVEL 4 - LEADER Do you want specific detailed job description(s)? Additional opportunities to serve on a committee or fill important volunteer position (check all that apply) Development Fundraising Event Planner Grant Writer Social Media Expert Media Specialist / Public Relations Photographer / Videographer Networking Specialist Administration Training and Curriculum Development Technical Support Communication Director Trainer / Curriculum Developer Graphic Designer Program Director Resident Assistant Grounds / General Maintenance Other (let us know your interests) LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 - GOVERNING BOARD OF DIRECTOR *References and resume required unless recruited, bio required* (See requirements for Board Members) Reference 1: List the church or small group you attend and provide name and contact info. Reference 2: List one family member - name, relationship, and contact info (if you have a spouse, please list him or her as your family reference). Reference 3: List one person that is not a family member - name, relationship to you, how long you've known each other, and contact information (Advisory Committee or Helping Hands - an employee or business associate preferred). Give a short testimony about your relationship with Jesus, such as what He means to you, your spiritual journey, what He's done in your life, etc. * Any other feedback place here: reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ