Ministry Partners

Here are some of our favorite ministry partners. Each title is linked to their websites. Check them out!

True Justice InternationalTrue Justice International (TJI)


To execute true justice on a global scale in order to promote the restoration of humanity with mercy and compassion through strategic initiatives that focus on the injustices fueling human trafficking.


Each one of their initiatives is associated with a different color in the lion’s mane. They currently have five initiatives:

The Grace Project - An initiative that includes the restoration and recovery of those who have been affected by trafficking. They currently have an international safe house in eastern North Carolina for women 18 and older and one for minor girls in Honduras.

Pearl Ministry - Sharing the message of the Pearl—a message of Hope—around the world.

Orphans’ Cry International - promoting the adoption of older children (ages 8+).

WillFORCE – increasing awareness of human trafficking and modern-day slavery among youth and young adult.

Voice IT! - empowering community members to use their own talents, passions, and skills to Make A Stand against human trafficking. Visit True Justice International .

Friend to Friend


Friend to Friend's mission is to help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking rebuild their lives.


Friend to Friend is committed to providing community education and free and confidential advocacy services, including court and legal advocacy, safe shelter, and emotional support to adult survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. 

 NC Stop Human Trafficking


Eastern North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking  desires to create a community that understands the tragedy of Human Trafficking and seeks to be part of the solution.


Eastern North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking Now, desires to create a community that actively works towards abolishing Human Trafficking locally and globally. Do your part to end slavery by purchasing fair trade items in their ENC Online Store.

Rebecca Bender Initiative (RBI)

Rebecca Bender Initiative exists to raise awareness and deliver solutions to the growing epidemic of sex trafficking in the United States and beyond. The organization’s founder, Rebecca Bender, is a Christian leader and sex trafficking survivor who delivers consulting services and keynote speeches designed to inspire and empower organizations and audiences.

Check out Rebecca's online store to purchase her book Roadmap to Redemption or some of her amazing watercolor artwork. Visit Rebecca Bender Initiative (RBI).

Justice MinistriesJustice Ministries and Rise Up

Justice Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization committed to combating sex trafficking and sexual exploitation of women, with a focus on rescue and housing. Their goal is to locate victims of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, help them get out of their situation and into a safe place, facilitate an environment conducive to healing, and assist them in their transition to independence. Visit Justice Ministries and Rise Up.



To develop, provide, and coordinate lasting resources that will restore productive lives to the homeless.


Lifting lives by coordinating resources that will educate and empower, while providing a sustainable and successful pathway to independence for homeless individuals and families.

Mercy MultipliedMercy Multiplied

Mercy Multiplied is a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to helping young women break free from life-controlling behaviors and situations, including eating disorders, self-harm, drug and alcohol addictions, unplanned pregnancy, depression, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking. They offer a free-of-charge residential programfor young women ages 13-28. They hope to help every woman they serve experience God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power.

Shop at their online store for helpful resources as well as fun tee shirts and hoodies. Visit Mercy Mutiplied.

International Justice Mission (IJM)

International Justice Mission

Justice is their middle name! IJM is one the leading social justice missions worldwide. Coming from their belief that justice for the poor and abused is possible. Their global team includes hundreds of lawyers, investigators, social workers, community activists and other professionals at work through 17 field offices.

Their work happens by rescuing victims out of the places they are in danger, bringing criminals such as holding slave-owners, traffickers, and rapists and criminals to justice by making them accountable in court, restoring survivors by giving them the support and tools they need to heal and thrive, and stopping violence before it starts by helping to strengthen the local justice system. Visit International Justice Mission.

A21 CampaignThe A21 Campaign

A21 exists to abolish the injustice of human trafficking. They do this through a comprehensive approach, which includes working alongside law enforcement to reach, rescue, shelter, and restore victims of the sex trafficking industry. They are also actively involved in the area of prevention and raising awareness across the globe. The A21 Crisis shelter, project center, and restoration program are located in Greece, which has been labeled the “center of human trafficking.” A21 also works on the ground in Ukraine and Bulgaria, which are countries of origin for victims of human trafficking. In Ukraine and Bulgaria, they actively work in the area of prevention in schools and awareness programs, as well as manage their restoration homes. In recent years, A21’s work in aftercare has extended to South Africa, Thailand, USA, and the UK.

They feel that if they are able to help the life of one victim, then all of their efforts are worth it. They also believe that if we all join together and take action, we will see human trafficking abolished in the 21st century!

Fight slavery by purchasing clothing and accessory items from the A21 Campaign shop. Visit The A21 Campaign.